Extracted at 2014-06-26.

Class Fins.Application


this is the base application class.

Variable app_runner

object Fins.Application.app_runner


the AppRunner for the application

Variable context_root

string Fins.Application.context_root


provide any context root (location in the virtual filesystem) for this application. this setting is derived from the value of the context_root parameter in the application section of the application config file, and defaults to /.

Variable controller

.FinsController Fins.Application.controller


The root Controller object

Variable model

.FinsModel Fins.Application.model

Variable view

.FinsView Fins.Application.view

Variable cache

.FinsCache Fins.Application.cache

Variable static_dir

string Fins.Application.static_dir

Variable config

.Configuration Fins.Application.config

Variable _gzfilter

Fins.Helpers.Filters.Compress Fins.Application._gzfilter

Variable _templatefilter

Fins.Helpers.Filters.TemplateParser Fins.Application._templatefilter

Variable access_logger

object Fins.Application.access_logger

Variable request_program

program Fins.Application.request_program


optional request program to be used for HTTP(s) requests.

Variable controller_autoreload

int Fins.Application.controller_autoreload


if set to true, controllers will be reloaded on access if they are changed. this setting is derived from the value of the reload parameter in the controller section of the application config file.

Variable cache_events

int Fins.Application.cache_events


if set to true, the application will cache resolved url-to-function mappings from controllers. this setting is derived from the value of the cache_events parameter in the controller section of the application config file.

Variable exp

protected int Fins.Application.exp


determines the length of time, in hours, responses from a static file controller should indicate the file ought to be cached. this setting is derived from the value of the static_expire_period parameter in the application section of the application config file and defaults to 240 (10 days).