Extracted at 2014-06-26.

Class Fins.DocController


Implements a controller which automatically provides a view based on the position of the request within the tree

it is the same as the standard controller, except that event functions receive an additional argument:

void event(Fins.Request request, Fins.Response response, Fins.Template.View view, mixed ... args);

the view parameter provided will be loaded from a file according to the event's name and position in the controller tree. for example, event "foo" within controller "bar" would cause the template "foo/bar" to be loaded.


If you have an event without a template, an error will not be thrown, but a view will not be set or provided.

DocController now sets a layout from the following locations, if present:

templates/layouts/path/to/controller.phtml templates/layouts/application.phtml

if a layout is set and detected, you must reload to change the layout file name (ie, switching from application.phtml to controller.phtml). templates detected and changed will be reloaded if the file content changes.

use the <%yield%> macro in your layout file to insert the template specified.

additionally you may simply use Template.View->set_layout() instead, in your own non DocController apps.

Inherit FinsController

inherit .FinsController : FinsController

Variable __default_template

protected program Fins.DocController.__default_template


set this to a particular template type if you don't want to use the default type defined in your application's view class

Variable __quiet

int Fins.DocController.__quiet


set this flag to true to turn off notices for events which have no corresponding template file.