Method Tools.String.NamedSprintf()->named_sprintf()
- Method
string named_sprintf(string format, mapping data)
- Description
formats a string using named parameters, in the format
of %{param} where "param" is a key in the data
set being used for replacements. Additionally, if a
parameter contains a colon (:), anything following the colon
will be considered a formatting option to sprintf for the data.
If no formatting options are specified, the data will be cast
to a string and be inserted into the final string as if %s were
passed in sprintf (). If formatting options are specified,
the data will be passed as-is.
- Parameter format
format string, containing replacement fields in the form
of %{param}
- Parameter data
a mapping with data to be replaced
- Example
> Tools.String.named_sprintf("Hello, %{name}. Lunch will be $%{cost:.2f}.",
(["name": "James", "planet": "Mars", "cost": 2.5]));
(2) Result: "Hello, James. Lunch will be $2.50."