electronic.alchemy :: Photo gallery happiness
where the past meets the future
start > 2005-12-15 > 1

Photo gallery happiness

Created by hww3. Last updated by hww3, 20 years ago. Version #2.

Those of you who know me well may recall that one of my hobbies is photography. I've got thousands of photos ranging from travel photos to macro photogrphs to silly snapshots of doughnuts falling through space. I've been trying to come up with a workable solution for sharing these photos online. I've tried writing scripts that generate static galleries, and I've tried photo gallery apps like phpGraphy (though I'm loathe to use PHP if I can avoid it).

Finally, a few weeks ago, I read about http://www.smugmug.com/?referrer, a hosted photo sharing site. It's not free, but it's worth every penny. You get a dedicated website (mine is [external]http://hww3.smugmug.com ) and can arrange your photos in a number of ways, with huge traffic allowances and the ability to provide full resolution photos. Best of all, there's no advertising, no need for people viewing your photos to create spam magnet accounts, and totally independent of all of the big players (unlike others, like Flickr and Ofoto), if that's important to you. The Recent Albums section at the right hand side of this page is automatically syncronized with my SmugMug galleries via RSS.

If you click this http://www.smugmug.com/?referrer, you'll get $5 off your first year's subscription fees (around $30 bucks).

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