electronic.alchemy :: biographics
where the past meets the future


Created by hww3. Last updated by hww3, 5 years ago. Version #10.

Welcome to my virtual home on the internet! You'll probably note from various articles that there are many things that hold fascination for me, and I'm always finding new things for that list. I'm happiest when busy making things, be it cooking, building furniture or electronics, refurbishing old machines or photography. Perhaps that's why I sleep so little…

I received my Master Degree at Bucknell University in the Electrical Engineering department with a thesis titled IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks: Performance in an Industrial Environment and my BS in physics from Susquehanna University. I'm currently working for SSE Solutions in Clarksville, Maryland. Check out my entre professional history in my resume.

I've also served as Alumni Secretary and President of the Lambda Beta Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, a professional fraternity for men in music, and am slowly learning to play the banjo for that old-timey sound. Some day, I'd also like to learn how to play the bagpipes :).

Trains, old machinery and anything that "hearkens to a byegone era" are fascinating, as are architecture, design and typography. I've become stricken with a sickness called 'letterpress printing', which is the process of printing employed by Gutenburg up through about the 1950s. You can read more about it at letterpress.

Finally, I'm an avid home-brewer. My recent favorite recipes include a German Kölsch style ale and a Chocolate Porter, brewed with lager yeast for a more mellow flavor.

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