Extracted at 2014-06-26.

Class Fins.Model.MappedForeignKeyReference


This relationship is a variation of the InverseForeignKeyReference, that is the "one" in one-to-many, where the gathered records are presented as a mapping or array. The records are indexed using the values of a field on the related object.

For example:

A type "user" has a primary key field id. A type "preference" has a foreign key field "user_id" that indicates the user for which that preference is associated. The definition of the "preference" type would contain a reference for the foreign key (a Fins.Model.ForeignKeyRelationship ) whereas the "user" object definition would contain the inverse relationship (Fins.Model.InverseForeignKeyRelationship ) which could be used to find all "preference" objects owned by that user.

This type of reference adds a twist to this idea: if the "preference" object had some field that identified the particular preference for this user, perhaps "preference_name", we could use this (MappedForeignKeyReference ) relationship type to organize the user's preferences in a mapping by name, saving us from having to perform an additional find operation:


Inherit Relationship

inherit .Relationship : Relationship