Class Fins.RESTController
- Description
A controller that impliments REST style JSON CRUD functionality
for a given Model component.
- Note
some TODO items
user authenticated changes
filtering more complex than by-field
search specifications for GET
methods other than GET
record set limitations
- Inherit
inherit Fins.MethodController : MethodController
- Variable
protected string Fins.RESTController.model_component
- Description
this should be the name of your object type and is used to link this
controller to the model. For auto-configured models, this is normally
a capitalized singular version of your table. For example, if your
table is called "users", this would be "User".
- Variable
protected string Fins.RESTController.model_id
- Description
if your application contains multiple model definitions, this should be the
model "id" for the definition containing the component. the default value
selects the default model definition.
- Variable
protected multiset Fins.RESTController.fields_to_filter
- Description
a list of fields to filter from generated JSON for this type.
- Note
this filter specification is shared with other JSON generating controllers
running in this app, so that filtering is consistent, should an object of
this type be present and rendered in another RESTController .
- Variable
protected function(array|object:array|mapping|object) Fins.RESTController.transform_function
- Description
function used to modify the data.
receives an object or array of objects and returns an array, mapping or object.