pike >
Fins > Features
Created by hww3. Last updated by hww3,
18 years ago. Version #19.
- Object relational mapping with support for mySQL, SQLite and Postgres (preliminary support) database engines
- Numerous mapping classes allow rich functionality while seamlessly mapping a SQL database onto Pike objects
- Write an entire web application without writing a single SQL statement
- Object instances can be created using either factory methods (which allows caching) or through direct creation of objects from datatype classes
- Built in Caching system enhances performance with sliding expirations
- Model can be automatically configured from database schema (see Model).
- Validation, with separate validation available for creation and updates.
- Model can be used in standalone applications without the full Fins framework (see StandaloneModel.
- Modular template system is easily extended for custom functionality
- Two template systems are provided out of the box: Simple tempaltes, a Smarty-like markup syntax, and a Standards-compliant XSLT template engine.
- Simple templates are high-performance and provide rich functionality, such as runtime configurable Macros while promoting separation of application logic from interface display logic.
- Several macros (such as remote_form and remote_link) designed to make AJAX functionality quick and easy.
- Support for layouts that separate application (and controller level) formatting from event level content.
- Full set of i18n tools.
- Maps Pike functions and objects onto a web URI namespace.
- Functions are provided for returning various types of data and web server responses and passing information between requests
- XMLRPCController makes public functions available via XML-RPC permitting simple integration
- DocController eases application development by automatically selecting the proper template based on a request's position in the controller tree. Additionally, DocController automatically sets the layout for the controller the event is located within.
- ScaffoldController eases http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create%2C_read%2C_update_and_delete interface generation by providing automatic interface generation based on a data model's schema.
- Built-in support for http://www.json.org encoding and decoding (see the Tools.JSON module) to ease data transport as well as a JSON-RPC controller.
- Pre and post request filtering for purposes such as authorization, encoding, etc.
messaging integration
- SMTPController for handling inbound email.
- A template is available for the http:// www.macromates.com text editor
- Runs on UNIX, Linux and MacOS X; Windows support is planned.
- Fins provides a built in web server, which means no additional web server is required for development.
- Provides Rendezvous bookmarks on Rendezvous enabled systems, such as MacOS X.
- All of the power of the Pike language is immediately available to Fins applications.
- Templates can be set to automatically reload on change, speeding development.
- Breakpointing support, which allows you to specify breakpoints, and access an interactive hilfe session mid- request.
- pike -x fins tools provide easy access to the built in http server, as well as a new application creation tool.
- Provides a HTTP container for development or simple production deployments
- A connector module is available for the Caudium web application server, allowing easy deployment of Fins applications
- FCGI and SCGI containers for use with any FastCGI or SCGI capable webserver
- Built in application packaging features make it easy to distribute your application.
New features are being added regularly, so it's often best to have a look at the CVS changelog:
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