electronic.alchemy :: Are those things made of lead?
where the past meets the future
start > 2005-04-12 > 1

Are those things made of lead?

Created by hww3. Last updated by hww3, 21 years ago. Version #1.

I got a call from the mail room at work today. The fellow on the phone said that I had received a couple boxes and that they were "real heavy"… could I come down to pick them up?

That could only mean one thing. My monotype moulds had arrived. I opted to ship them UPS because I thought there'd be less chance for problems. I also had them sent to me at work so that they'd get signed for. When I arrived at the mail room, there were 3 boxes sitting on the floor for me. The lightest one was 43 pounds… naturally, UPS had managed to break 2 of the cardboard boxes they were shipped in, and there were packing peanuts falling out.

Worried that there'd be a problem, I took them to my desk and unpacked them. Luckily, it doesn't look like they were damaged, but I'll only know for sure once I try to use them. There were a total of 6 English moulds, and 12 American; that should be plenty to get me started…

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