electronic.alchemy :: FinScribe's first theme!
where the past meets the future
start > 2006-04-05 > 1

FinScribe's first theme!

Created by hww3. Last updated by hww3, 20 years ago. Version #4.

I took some time today to create the first "real" theme for FinScribe. Ok, I didn't create from scratch, but rather decided to take a good looking theme from WordPress, called Prozac, and convert it so that it worked with FinScribe. Along the way, I made some tweaks to the theme and made some changes to the internal templates in order to make it easier for theme builders. The exact origins of Prozac seem to be spread across a few people, so I'll refer you to the site I got the source for additional information: http://weblogtoolscollection.com/archives/2006/03/03/wp-themes-prozac/

I think the result is the best of both the original theme, and of the capabilities of FinScribe: a good looking design with all of the nice CMS functionality and AJAX enhancements that come with FinScribe. All in all, not a bad showing.

So, without further ado, I give you Prozac for FinScribe:

You can get the theme http://hww3.riverweb.com/dist/FinScribe/themes/. To use it, simply untar the file into the themes directory (you'll need a copy of FinScribe from CVS for this to work). Then set the site.theme property to "prozac". Currently you have to make this setting change by hand using fin_serve's hilfe mode, or by editing the database directly. I hope to make an official release of FinScribe that supports themes out in the next day or two, as well as a better preference modification mechanism.



This page (start/2006-04-05/1) contains 1 Attachments
Name Type Size Updated Updated By
prozac.png image/png 23 kb Wednesday, 5 April 2006 Bill Welliver

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